I dont care what anyone says. The red pill is saving lives

I grew up without my father. And spent 12 years with an abusive stepdad.

Before I discovered redpill....I would let the women I was dating walk all over me. And accepted scraps. Took what women said at literal face value and never got anywhere. Friendzoned left and right.

I'm 100% confident that I would have "stepped up" and accepted a single mom with her 3 kids" like a "real man". Or got married to the wrong woman and divorce raped.

Redpill at its core teaches you that there are no coincidences in the world of mating and dating and to look at things realistically.

Yes,, there are guys that monetize the message and make a mockery of it(tate, f&f). But the core message is needed in this world.

We cannot go back to the way it was before.with men being ignorant etc.