Question about when to invite boss to stakeholder meetings
I’m working on a pretty high profile product integration with another internal team. I figured that, owing to the high profile nature of the integration, it would make sense to invite my boss. Situation below, but the question is at what point do you invite your boss to stakeholder meetings; how can I ensure they stay in their lane so I can stay in mine?
However, 1. The direction of the conversation was determined by the more strategic questions she had, and less the more execution oriented ones I had. So I wasn’t able to really get the info I need and 2. After the meeting she declared that we take a direction that was kind of divorced from the reality on the ground.
So now my mandate is to execute on something that doesn’t make sense. It would be like me saying ‘why don’t we advertise in Reddit’ and my boss hijacking and saying ‘that’s a great idea. Post our new video to all of the us Reddit’s’.