Sola. Baby Solace major scare

Oh please, fellow Pom owners, let us share… everything was going well as usual today. Food, play, yapping, running around (Sola has 2 dogs, one cat, and a bird in her household) plus her stupid parents. So… just after a very active play (where we scratch-clean any surface (the sofa, or the floor) she suddenly has an episode: heavy breathing, some sounds are coming out of her throat, saliva coming down, refusing food and walk, or anything. We drive immediately to the clinic that does “emergency” appointments. After an hour or more, we finally see the doctor. Doctor’s verdict is: I don’t see and can’t feel anything wrong with your dog. No reason to do bloodwork at this time. And, finally, we will call you tomorrow to see how she is. Ok.. thanks… but what about my poor baby in distress?