How’s my stocking?
20 long with 6 neons, 6 julii corys, 1 nerite, 2 amanos, a large cherry shrimp colony, and a ton of ramshorn snails. I’m thinking about moving my 10 ember tetras into this tank because they’re really skittish and i think would benefit from the neons acting as ditherfish and i would love to put a vampire shrimp in here someday
20 long with 6 neons, 6 julii corys, 1 nerite, 2 amanos, a large cherry shrimp colony, and a ton of ramshorn snails. I’m thinking about moving my 10 ember tetras into this tank because they’re really skittish and i think would benefit from the neons acting as ditherfish and i would love to put a vampire shrimp in here someday