Should I choose this General Relativity Module?
I am currently a 3rd year physics student, I am trying do decide if I should take the optional general relativity and cosmology module offered by my university. I have heard general relativity is extremely difficult so I am concerned I will not get a good grade, but I find it very interesting.
My module contains the following:
- Mathematical tools for handling curved space
- Metric
- Geodesics
- Principle of equivalence
- Experimental confirmations
- Cosmology
- Robertson-Walker solution
- The Big Bang
- Einstein’s field equations
- Schwarzchild solution
- Observed effects
- Black holes
I have 10 weeks to learn everything in the above list, and I will also be studying 3 other modules alongside this one. The only maths knowledge I currently posses confidently is: linear algebra, vector calculus and differential equations. Would it be better for me to not choose this module, and instead leave GR to potential graduate studies that I may undertake.
Please help me make up my mind :)