Period Due ON WEDDING DAY Please Share Advice

Every single time I have an important event... my period has to show up. It feels impossible how often my period does that. It ruins the fun because its heavy and painful, I feel bloated and disgusting, my face breaks out. Well, unsuprizingly, after setting a day for my wedding venue (tight availability and unchangable) I see my tracking app predicts it will arive THE DAY OF MY WEDDING. Of all life events, i wanted to feel pretty, and feel like myself that day. I just wanted one experience where I didn't have to plan around my hormones. But now I know I will be PMSing, and also anticipating blood in a big white gown. It will be diffucult to handle. My skin will be dull, I will look puffy. I will feel emotional, angry and weepy. And my honeymoon (the only vacation I will have for the next few years) will be bloody and painful.

I am so upset. I wish I could just catch a break from this hormonal rollercoaster for ONE special event. But it is coming at the worst possible time.

If you experienced this on your wedding day, how did you guys handle it? Is there a way to stop my period for that month? How about bloat... I bloat so badly I may not even fit into my dress. And makeup wont sit well over my acne. I am so so sad. I dreamed of this day since I was a kid. My period is just so intense i know it will be hard.