Looking to move to Eastern PA, coming from Sullivan Co, NY
I live in the Tri-State area of NY, and my husband and I are looking to relocate once I am finished with school. We want to go somewhere that is a city of around 25-30k people (preferably a little more), nice surrounding towns (because we dont want to live IN the city) and my personal deal breaker is having a planet fitness, and regular retail options (target, homedepot, etc.). I also would like to stay within maybe 5-6 hours of my home town because wherever we go is where we plan to start a family and I want to be close to my family.
I have been trying to do research on places like Harrisburg, Reading, Lancaster, Allentown, but the answers are so polar on google vs reddit. I have lived in Norfolk VA for 6 years (a little rough in terms of crime) and currently live back home (Sullivan County, NY) where opioids are absolutely rampant, we have ONE walmart and billions of dunkin donuts and thats it for the county, it is so hard to find decent work, and NY just has a terrible cost of living.
What would be a nice place to settle down and what would you consider to be off limits?