Omens and Essences might as well not exist for SSF; which is where they are needed the most
I'll keep it short:
Omen's and (Greater) Essences are good tools for crafting, but as a SSF player you basically cannot use them.
The reason for this are twofold:
- They are rare
- There are many different types
Both of these issues are easily mitigated in Trade League, where you can exchange the materials you don't need for those you need, and where you can obtain currency through other means that you can then use to mass-buy these materials.
But the paradoxical reality of this is that Trade League already has a good way for upgrading gear: Trading
Meanwhile in SSF, semi-deterministic crafting is essential for gear progression.
Yet here neither of the mitigating factors mentioned above exist, and as a result SSF players can never hope to meaningfully engage with these crafting methods.
I have no workable solution proposals, but i consider this a fundamental flaw of the game that absolutely needs to be solved.
I know that as long as SSF characters can be migrated to Trade, adjusting drop rates won't work.