I just started a Titan after playing spellcasters only so far. I am absolutely baffled how terrible slam attacks are
So i play on PC with controller only. So far i leveled 3 characters to lvl 85+.
Started a Titan just now and oh my god, the fight against Miller is an absolut mess. Why cant I move during my attacks? im locked in place when i smack a monster??? This cannot be the actual design. Feels like this is a bug.
Without exxageration, the skills feel worse than Poe1. Feels like playing PoE 0.5
Edit: i want to add that i understand that people actually like the playstyle, that’s totally fine. I myself am usually a melee lover aswell. But the locking in place is literally worse than poe1s attack animations. It feels much more fluent hitting a monster and moving away in poe1.
Personally i feel like the entire concept of slams and mace attacks need an overhaul.
- Fixed attack time is hot garbage
- Not being able to move while attacking is awful
payoff for all the setup (break armor, deal damage, break armor again, ugh) is way too low
accuracy has absolutely no place in the game anymore, at all. Relic of the past. How can a monster avoid a 4 second charged up slam attack but all spells will hit allways? Makes no sense in any kind of way
less attack speed modifiers have no place in the game
super low base attack speed is awful aswell
Really hope GGG rethinks some of their design choices