Divorce decree help
Hey guys. I'm having a very specific problem. I have some bad memory issues. I had some head trauma and I don't remember every detail of my divorce. It was a few years ago and I really don't have all the information. I know the date that my papers were served to me because it was on my birthday. I know the year of my divorce, I just don't remember the exact day that the divorce was finalized by the judge etc... I was in a different state and my ex sent me the papers through regular mail. Those papers are gone and they explained things about the divorce.
All of the documentation was lost when my vehicle was stolen. I wasn't able to retrieve anything. All of my records gone. I don't know how to explain that. Is it possible that I could write a letter along with my application explaining all of this? Would that help?
She eventually sent me an email link where I could sign papers through the email link and the divorce was finalized when I signed those papers through the email link. It was done remotely. I don't remember the state in which she filed. She was in Colorado at the time, and she was about to move to Maryland. I was in Florida. I have no idea where she would have filed.
My plan is to contact each possible state's vital records departments and tell them the situation giving them my name and information that could help me look up the date of the divorce decree and when it was finalized etc.
Am I on the right path? I'm just trying to make sure I get my passport and there's no issues. Thanks again for all your help guys.
- I also noticed that on my marriage certificate the date doesn't match the actual day that I was married in person. I was married on 11/08. The divorce certificate says 11/13. What do I put as the date of my marriage?