Is it weird if I do this? (Toddler question)
I am the mom. My son is 17 months old. We live with roommmates and me and my son share a room. If I leave our room to use the bathroom he screams and cries and bangs his hands on the wall. To prevent him from doing that, I take him to the bathroom with me when I need to use the bathroom. Is that weird? I know lots of parents do that but some people seem to think its weird or they have different opinions on it.
My own mom is one of the people who looked at me weird about it. She seemed weirded out by it (which surprised me since she usually acts vain and cocky about how she thinks she knows everything there is to know about raising kids cause she raised 4 kids. But she seems to use her "i raised 4 kids" fact as an excuse to override my parenting decisions or judge me and then calls me "paranoid" or "overprotective" and uses that as an excuse to override my parenting decisions.