Post Kids anyone else just stop drinking?

I just want to set the stage and say this is not meant to be an “Anti Drinking” post, I have nothing against alcohol or people that drink and I’m certainly not someone to go on a high horse and preach about any behaviors.

With that said…

I remember throughout my 20s before kids I was a big drinker, typically going hard on the weekends in a club or bar scene.

I had kids and stopped going out to bars or clubs and started just socially drinking at parties or gatherings or have a couple beers around the house

Then one day I realized drinking at night sucks because you wake up with the kids at 6am and just feel like shit - so I switched to day drinking instead, the idea being you have a couple beers in the afternoon then by bedtime your sobered back up and you wake up the next day feeling normal

Then as I got older I just started feeling like shit anytime I drank, heartburn, feeling bloated, just overall it wasn’t fun at all.

Now I just looked back and realized I haven’t had a drink in probably 4-5 months, but I don’t really know why.. there was no “big event” that made me stop, it just seems like over time it turned into less and less and without even realizing it, it went to zero

Again, if someone offered me a beer I would take it, I have nothing against alcohol, just the realization that I just never drink any more for seemingly no reason.

What’s everyone else’s post-children drinking habits?