Rush of Hormones

Does anyone else feel a complete rush of hormones in your body after your lows? For the past 4-7 days I (26) have dissociated, loss my appetite, stared at walls and screens, couldn't even look at myself in the mirror because I was scared that I didn't recognize myself. I blared music in my car on my commute home because it felt I couldn't even hear anything.

Suddenly, while reading my textbook, I felt a complete rush of "something"!! I took a deep breath and felt completely normal again!!! I started to comprehend everything I was seeing again, I laughed at a video, and feel great! However, moments ago I was literally STUCK in my car because I couldn't move for 30 minutes. I just cried and stared blankly and cried. Now I'm like I was two weeks ago - totally fine. And I bet if I went to the restroom tonight or in the morning, I will have started.

Does anything feel that "rush"????

Edit: added age and revised some wording