Space scanner signals

I was thinking of building a solar panel setup but the space scanners, I just don't know how to protect them, for example I could use some Bunker doors and space scanners to protect the panels but for space scanners to send the signal to close the bunker doors I assume they have to be above the bunker doors at all time cause otherwise as soon as the doors close they will detect that there's no meteors and open them agian while in a meteor shower Furthermore even if I use like that automation thing that delays the signal received the amount I would have to delay would be based on how long the meteor shower last which isn't always constant So I Bassicly I need to have the space scanner above my bunker doors, But dosent that mean that every meteor storm they will get destroyed? I honestly don't see much of a way to protect them, and then there's also the issue of robo miners, I need to cool them down but, that's Bassicly impossible because buildings don't interact with pipes for some reason but I cant use solid tiles that block light and get destroyed by meteors to exhange heat Nor liquid or gasses as they die in void