Overjoyed responses

I read on the wiki how the calculations for these are done and Its kinda underwhelming, at absolute max a 5 percent chance,I think to make these more of a active gameplay feature, and not just something that shows up from time to time, and make learning more skills less braindead, they should nerf overjoyed responses but you can get up to a 100 percent chance if you have a Very very high morale over expectations for 100 percent it should be like 80 or 70 morale over what they need but the more morale you have the higher the chance linearly, in a more meanifuly amounts, this would in my opinion do goods things for the game as it makes moral more of a overall factor not just get some basic stuff and you if you wanted could just ignore the mechanic for the rest of the game cause aslong as you have more than required then you could just not even think about it.