The overwatch playerbase is extremely toxic

Why is it that at least 1 in 5 games I get someone trying to belittle another person because they're playing a video game badly or in a way you disagree with? The negativity is honestly overwhelming.

Yes, there are new players in this game. I'm one of them, and I can tell you that how this community treats each other is almost on par with League's community. If the only way you can have fun in a video game is winning, you've got some pretty bad priorities. On the other side of that spectrum, what does it cost you to be sportsmanlike when you do win?

All the "x or y diff", "This team is trash", "our tank is doing x", and random insults I see/hear everyone throwing at each other is honestly disgusting.

Treat each other with some respect, and just have fun playing a game you enjoy. If what you enjoy is the comp grind, play to improve. Throwing blame around like every play you made was perfect, and you had 100% accuracy is borderline narcissistic. Telling someone on the enemy team how much better you are is honestly disgusting. It does not help anything, only serves to show how petty you can be.

Y'all need to do better.

Edit: death threats and kill myself messages from this post? LOL okay

All these people with the “In comp the whole point is to win”, that’s the objective in every game mode in literally every game. That doesn’t mean it gives you the right to be a bad person.

All the “this is the internet/a video game people”, Y’all must have missed the day in pre-school where they taught they toddlers that just because someone else did it, doesn’t mean you should.

Edit #2: "Don't play the game if you can't meet my expectations" is all I'm seeing from the comp crowd. Yes I see this in all game modes, including quick play and arcade. No, you insulting someone is not justified with you playing comp. It takes a special kind of mental gymnastics to treat someone extremely poorly and say to yourself "It's okay, we're on the internet playing a competitive game, so I'm justified in being a horrible person".

Again, y'all need to do better. If you wouldn't want someone you know and love to hear you saying it, then you know it's wrong.