Overwatch Classic is super fun because Heroes are more distinct with their own drawbacks & have more impact

Making this thread because there are a lot of threads asking where's the fun in Overwatch Classic.

I've played around 10 matches and now I understand why I have the last 2 years had more Overwatch 2 reinstalls & uninstalls than ranked games played. I'm only explaining how I feel and if you don't like Classic, it's completely fine, it is quite a different game.

In my opinion in Classic you have distinct drawbacks and majorly different playstyles/counters between each character:

Want to CC? Mei. Zone control? Bastion. Utility? Sym. Dive sniper? Winston. Barrier? Rein.
In Overwatch 2, all of these characters are watered down to not be as strong at their roles, and compensated with better ability to spam damage from further away, making them boring.

Want to eat as Roadhog? Cover or you die.
In Overwatch 2, no drawbacks, always press as soon as mid HP.

Want to kill tanks very fast as Hanzo or Cassidy? Only if you risk and go close.
In Overwatch 2, there's no reason for that.

Want to be the only strong single target healer, Mercy?
Sure, but if you die with ult you throw more than any other character in game.
In Overwatch 2, it doesn't matter.

Want to do big damage as Bastion? Have a strategy cause you are increasing your odds of dying by 5x by being locked down.
In Overwatch 2, you're just Soldier with Doomfist's ult.

Feeling like fighting head on doesn't work? Go flank and duel anyone, even tanks.
In Overwatch 2, you can't flank almost ever because time to kill is a lot longer and every character has a dash or gets saved by someone with a dash/teleport/immortality.

There are definitely improvements that I would like for Classic and my favorite hero is Doomfist, but right now I can say with confidence that while it's not even remotely my favorite OW1 meta, I haven't had this much fun on Overwatch since 2019.