Question for Christian MAGA republicans and Christian Nationalists

I’m writing this not as an enemy… but as someone who loves Jesus and is heartbroken by what I see happening in the church. If you consider yourself a follower of Christ and also support the MAGA movement… I have to ask… do these two things really align?

I grew up believing that following Jesus meant living a life of love… compassion… and humility. That it meant caring for the poor… welcoming the stranger… and speaking truth even when it was hard. But today… I see people who claim to follow Christ cheering on cruelty… laughing at the suffering of others… and putting their faith in a man who has built his power on lies… greed… and hatred. It keeps me up at night. How did we get here?

Jesus commanded us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us… but somewhere along the way… many Christians stopped seeing people as neighbors and started seeing them as threats. Federal workers… our own family members… friends… and churchgoers… are now branded as “the deep state.” People who have dedicated their lives to helping the poor and sick through USAID are called “globalists” and treated as enemies of the country. Trans people… who already suffer so much rejection and pain… are mocked and vilified… as if their very existence is an attack on Christianity. Immigrants… many of whom are fleeing violence… poverty… and war… are treated not as human beings made in the image of God… but as a disease that needs to be eradicated.

And now… even the people who once believed in “law and order” are under attack. The FBI agents and prosecutors who investigated the January 6th insurrection… people who risked their careers and safety to hold criminals accountable… are being hunted down by Trump and his allies. These are people who swore an oath to uphold the law… who once believed that truth mattered… and yet they are now being fired… harassed… and treated as traitors simply for doing their jobs. Many of them were conservatives… some even supporters of Trump at one point… but because they chose truth over loyalty to a man… they are being cast out. What does it say about a movement when even those who uphold justice are destroyed for daring to do what is right?

These people are not hurting us… they are not attacking our faith. But MAGA leaders are working overtime to convince us that they are. They tell us that LGBTQ people are trying to “indoctrinate” children… that immigrants are “poisoning” the country… that DEI programs are making the world unsafe… that federal workers are conspiring against the American people. They create enemies where there are none… because they need someone to blame… someone to fear… someone to rally against. This is not the way of Christ. Jesus spent His life among the outcasts… the rejected… the despised. He touched the leper when no one else would. He dined with sinners when others condemned them. He saw the humanity in those the world had discarded. And yet… today… many Christians cheer when Trump calls immigrants “animals.” They laugh when Elon Musk mocks trans people. They nod along when Republican leaders say we should rip away aid from the poor and sick because “it’s not our responsibility.”

But Jesus made it clear that it is our responsibility. He told us that whatever we do for the least among us… we do for Him. The poor… the sick… the foreigner… the imprisoned… He specifically called them out… reminding us that our faith is measured not by how much we praise Him in church… but by how well we love the people He created.

And yet… the MAGA movement preaches the exact opposite. Trump boasts about never asking for forgiveness… while Jesus told us that repentance is the heart of salvation. Trump mocks the weak… but Jesus said the meek will inherit the earth. Musk… a billionaire who could change the world for the better… spends his days ridiculing people instead of using his wealth to uplift them. And somehow… many Christians have come to admire this behavior… as if cruelty is strength and kindness is weakness.

I don’t understand it. I don’t understand how we got to a place where Christian leaders tell their congregations to hate their neighbors… to cheer for policies that harm the poor… to turn their backs on the very people Jesus commanded us to love. I see churches that used to preach about helping the needy now scoffing at the idea of social justice… as if Jesus Himself wasn’t the greatest advocate for the oppressed. I see politicians standing in front of American flags… holding up Bibles they never read… promising power instead of humility… wealth instead of sacrifice… vengeance instead of love… and I see so many Christians following them as if this is the Gospel message.

But America is not God’s kingdom. Jesus said His kingdom is not of this world. No country… no political party… no leader can replace Him. When we put “America First” over “Christ First” … we are no longer worshiping God… we are worshiping power. And if we are willing to abandon the teachings of Jesus for the sake of political gain… then we have to ask ourselves… are we really following Christ… or have we made an idol out of politics?

This is not about being Republican or Democrat. It’s about looking at what Jesus actually taught and asking ourselves if we are truly living it out. Are we choosing love over hate? Humility over pride? Service over power? Are we defending the weak… or are we standing with the powerful who trample them? Are we more concerned with winning elections… or with living lives that reflect Christ?

I don’t say this to condemn… but to plead. To beg my fellow believers to look at their hearts and ask… is this really the path Jesus would walk? Because when I look at Trump… when I look at Musk… when I look at the cruelty and division MAGA fuels… I see everything Jesus warned us about. And when I look at the people they attack… the immigrants… the poor… the marginalized… I see Christ Himself.

If we claim to follow Him… shouldn’t we be standing with Him… too?

Edit: r/conservative blocked me from posting this on their page..sigh

Edit: I’m still reading and responding to as many posts as I can! Love you guys!!

Edit: I’m truly humbled by the response from Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Christians, non-Christians, Atheists and passersby all engaging in this conversation. It shows how deeply this topic resonates.

At its core, my message remains: If we follow Christ, our actions should reflect His love, compassion, and care for the vulnerable. Some have engaged, others have dismissed or blocked it, but the dialogue matters.

The real question is—are we standing with power and division, or with Christ’s example of humility and service? That reflection goes beyond politics, and I hope this conversation sparks deeper thought in all of us.