Can you be Christian and believe in evolution?

Personal context: I am agnostic and a firm believer in evolution. I have been dating my christian boyfriend for over a year and in our conversations about faith have come to appreciate some of his views and values. However today it came up that he does not believe in evolution, the big bang theory, etc. I just can't seem to reconcile how he has an education in science and does not have any doubts about the creationist model.

I don't have a lot of Christians in my life to talk to about this kind of thing and just wanted to know what everyone thinks, if you have picked a side or you believe in both.

Update: thank you all for your responses! It's great to have so many perspectives and reasons why you believe in science and still have your faith :) I spoke with my partner last night about this and I think his main struggle is how to interpret the Bible if not literally (as his family and church taught him). As in, if Genesis is supposed to be taken as an allegory then what says the other parts are not allegory as well? But we could agree on more points than I originally thought so that's good 👍