Opensource cloud API?

PrintWeave: A Generic API for Multi-Printer 3D Printing Management Since Bambu Lab announced their settlement regarding Developer Mode, I started working on a more generic API that runs on a Raspberry Pi within your home network. The goal is to support multiple 3D printer firmware types including Bambu Lab (via MQTT) and Klipper, providing an alternative to Bambu Lab Handy/Connect. (Klipper support comming 'soon')

This project is called PrintWeave, and it's still in its early stages, but I’d love to hear your thoughts!

🔗 GitHub Repo:

Current Features:

  • MQTT Send Command (Bambu only)
  • MQTT WebSockets (Bambu only)
  • Pause / Resume / Stop Printing (Generic API)

Features in Development:

  • File Upload & Start Printing (In 0.2.0-beta, tested on a P1S)
  • Web UI for managing multiple printers across different firmware types

To install the CLI beta version, you can use:

npm install @printweave/cli@next

Why PrintWeave?

I know Home Assistant, bambu-node, and others exist, but I wanted to create an alternative solution that is open-source, flexible, and scalable for multiple printer brands and firmware types.


  • Bambu Lab Support (MQTT/WebSockets) (Implemented)
  • File Upload & Start Printing (Beta)
  • File Listing, Status Queries, and More API Integrations (Soon)
  • Camera stream (Soon)
  • Web UI for Multi-Printer Management (Soon)
  • Klipper Support ("Soon" (I currently don't have a klipper printer))

Am I wasting my time or is this actually something interesting i should continue with?