4-0 locals Purple luffy

4-0 list for locals. Pretty standard list and ran into good matchups across the board.

R1. R/P Kid - should have lost this game. They ramped faster than I could with 3c pudding into 5c kid. Saw no luffytaro and won off of bad combat math from my opponent on the last turn . ( I had two blockers 1 life 2 in hand no giant and they swung 9,9,9,7,6 ). Not much I could have done different this game besides maybe starve and play for end game, not sure what this list runs tho.

R2. B Smoker - had perfect 2nd curve and they couldn't respond to 2 luffytaro combos in a row leading to a snowball win.

R3. Y Enel 🎲 - free matchup and they went incredibly aggro swinging at life over and over. Kept them at 2 while building board and hit them with 4c law trashing 2 out of hand when they got greedy with hand size.

R4. B Boa 🎲 - they aggressively countered to keep life up when they hit 3 life. I was able to swing 6s over and over once I noticed they had no 2ks in hand and slowly ground my way to the W.

Fun tournament where I played well when I needed. Been spamming purple Luffy to make the 3x enel players stop bringing that leader so I can bring Doffy again.