What's the money etiquette here in the USA (how do I ask my friends to pay me back lol)?

So I got a question about $$$ etiquette here in the USA....Or maybe it's not just USA specific I guess. Where I moved from - I never had this problem....

So, I'm always the one hosting parties, buying alcohol, ordering pizzas, and stuff. I LOVE HOSTING BTW! But then, people just rarely offer to pay? Or like they foget/ pretend to forget? Just think Im rich?And I just HATE having to text everyone after, reminding them to send me some $. Like, a few days after the party, I find myself having to individually chase people down, which is the part I absolutely HATE! And then, sometimes, I have to remind them more than once. Is this common? I feel like im also being a cheapo that I remind about $10 but it ads up for me...Feels so dumb... and it's unnecessary stress 'cause honestly, I love hosting. And I like my friends otherwise. How do you deal with this? Moved here 4 years ago and I'm not sure how things work with this.