1,000,000 subs giveaway!
CONGRATS TO u/officallnerdd
So i’m going to be doing a giveaway for 1,000,000 subs to this subreddit. It’s £50 e shop card for you to spend! Just comment below and I’ll announce the winner in 24 hours!
EDIT: There is confusion on what E shop the card is for. If you happen to win let me know which currency you’ll like. Also thanks for the gold and slivers strangers!
EDIT 2: So this has blown up. It’s insane. Thank you all! Good luck to everyone!
EDIT 3: Hurry up and enter the giveaway! There is only 2 hours left!
EDIT 4: There is only 1 hour left until i do the draw!! Enter as faster as you can and good luck everyone!!!
EDIT 5: We have a winner!!! Congratulations to u/officallnerdd Thank you everyone for entering! This was a huge success! We even reached the number one spot on reddit today!! This was insane! I might do another one soon so keep a look out ;)