Is there a thing that exists where someone comes to our house and tries to feed our baby? To see if we’re missing something stupid?
My wife and I are a bit at our wits end here. 4 month old (formula fed) has been falling off the growth curve her whole life.
We’ve tried everything from changing formula/bottles/nipples/positions/environments/frequency and she just will not take enough in her to gain weight. Nobody takes us seriously but LO’s hunger cues have been non existent her whole life, she just does not like to eat.
Does. Not. Get. Hungry. Period.
Feeding time is miserable for all of us. We’re seeing the doctor weekly now and they have no idea what’s going on but LO is developmentally in an ok place, so the doctor prefers to just monitor. Wife and I would obviously like to save our sanity during meal times and don’t want to wait for something serious to happen.
We’re feeling like complete failures and are just wondering if we’re missing something or doing something obvious wrong and we’re wondering if a thing exists where a nurse or midwife can do a housecall and maybe confirm that LO does not eat no matter what or if we’re maybe doing something obviously wrong?
Reading back this is mostly venting but we’re just absolutely sick over it right now.
Edit in case it’s important: we’re first time parents and while our daughter is our world we’re probably last time parents too.