First Time Dad!!! (Question at the end)
Okay first things first… this page is amazing. Thank you all for making me feel not alone. My wife and myself are both off of work for 3 months (thank god) and split the night in 5 hour shifts. After my shift, if it’s a bad one, I find myself reading through this page before I fall asleep just to remind myself we aren’t the only ones going through the wringer. LO is coming up on 6 weeks and it has been TOUGH. Tongue tie and Lip tie procedures, thrush, and colic have turned our baby into a nightmare (don’t get me wrong I feel so bad for our little man but I’m feeling bad for us too right now.) I love our little guy to death but I sometimes feel like a I know nothing and he hates us. I really do love seeing the positive support here and wanted to just say a big thank you to everyone here for sharing their experiences as well as supporting each other. Okay so my question is: when my baby wakes up (since the thrush started 3 days ago he’s barely going down for an hour at a time if we don’t hold him) should I immediately pick him up when he startles awake or should I let him fuss. Like developmentally, which is better? Thank you all in advance.