Anyone else with bad nights and days?
I always see posts on here like: - my LO only contact naps during the day but sleeps 7+ hours at night so I’ll take it Or - my LO is great at naps and falls asleep as soon as they touch the crib but wakes up every three hours at night but at least days are good
Does anyone else have bad nights and days or do we just suck at parenting?
My baby just turned 3 months. She’s transitioning out of a swaddle due to signs of rolling so we’re no longer able to put her down for a nap in the crib without her waking up. Even before, she would only sleep maybe 30 minutes in the crib.
At night, we’ve gotten a max stretch of 5 hours but it’s very rare. Most nights, she will sleep 2-4 hours at a time and then start waking up every 1 hour and 15 minutes after 3am. I’m nursing her back to sleep during wake ups.
Anyone else in this position or better yet, anyone that’s seen this through and come out on the other side?
She consistently goes to bed around 8-8:30pm, wakes up around 8:00-8:30am. I am combo feeding and we try eat play sleep but she usually only gets hungry during the end of her wake window. Four naps a day with wake windows of 1.15/1.45/1.30/2 per Huckleberry.
Any advice is appreciated!