How Are Y’all Managing to Wash Your Natural Hair Every Day?

Hey everyone, I’ve been watching Kinky hair chemistry, and the results are super convincing—it’s all backed by science too! But I’m sitting here wondering… how on earth are people managing to wash their natural hair daily?!

Do y’all wash it in twists to save time and minimize tangles? Are there any shortcuts, like maybe washing every 3 days but still getting similar results? I’d love to know what’s working for others.

Also, where do you find the time for this? Between the washing, detangling, and drying, it feels like a full-time job. Speaking of drying, how do you handle that part? Is your hair air-drying fast enough, or are you blow-drying every time?

I’m really curious and hoping for some tips because this method sounds great, but I need a routine that’s actually doable. Please share your insights and hacks!