Demands Respect, Never Gives Respect…Ironic

In the middle of an argument with my narc…the cycle continues. I’ve just been reflecting on everything, finding comfort in everyone’s posts on here.

One thing that is endlessly frustrating about being married to a narc is the lack of respect. My husband constantly preaches “respect, respect, respect!” Any word, tone, or look somehow seems to reek of disrespect, even when that is never my intention.

Sometimes I am just speaking passionately about a subject, or maybe I do something without his “permission”, or I don’t do something perfectly, it’s labeled as “disrespectful” & highly offensive.

Yet, when I look at the way in which I am treated, there is no hint of respect. He doesn’t respect any physical boundaries, emotional boundaries, makes fun of me, constantly nitpicks, puts me down for not making as much money as him, & constantly makes sly comments. Yet, if I mention that those things are hurtful and disrespectful, it is shot down immediately.

I just don’t understand the lack of empathy. I don’t understand how it’s possible to be that disconnected from reality.

Anyway, back to the endless cycle of arguing.

(Oh, if you’re curious, this time I was disrespectful because I didn’t have time to do something today but I should have done it anyway because I need to do what I’m told!)