How did you go no contact?

I’ve gone to therapy and my therapist thinks based on my experience and things I’ve shared that my mom has NPD - narcissistic personality disorder. Whether she does or doesn’t, she’s definitely a covert narcissist. I - like many of you I’m sure, have tried everything to establish a healthy relationship but she is incapable.

How can I go no contact when I am still feeling like I need to try to make this work? She literally just sent me a text after we had a 4 hour fight on the phone last night, just saying how much she loves me and how all of the things she caused were because of XYZ excuse.., again… bc it’s always an excuse with her.

I’m so mentally and emotionally exhausted but idk why I can’t just go no contact. It’s literally the only logical solution because it’s not healthy having a relationship with her

But how did you do it?