leaving baby home alone
hi guys please be kind but ive noticed something in my nanny community that’s kind of shocking / a red flag to me and i really want to see if its common anywhere else -
np’s leaving a baby less than a year old home alone while they’re asleep.
context : every parent i have seen do this uses nanit religiously and has only ever gone about 2 minutes away from home ( ie, bar down the street, restaurant next door ) . they speak pretty openly about this, seem to not think it’s an issue / problematic , and i know at least 3 families that have done this. we live in a HUGE city in an urban area , and all the neighborhoods this is happening in are statistically safe / super rich. ( not that that matters just trying to offer some type of context )
what are your thoughts on this? i spoke to my mom and she threatened to call CPS she was so upset. i honestly understand and feel insanely stressed and obligated to say something to all of the families but honestly don’t know how because of how normalized it is ? idk i have NEVER heard of this before and would NEVER leave a baby child or even like tween home alone-but i feel insane because everyone around me is just like yup :D
what do you think :(