While celebrating Mydei's V3, remember this is what he deserves to begin with!

Hi all, his v1 is a mess as we all know. Now at v3, he is finally a functional dps. Congrats Mydei! 😘
However, don't forget the issues that still put him a few steps below THERTA and even Aglaea:

  1. Stup__ auto-battle (either remove it completely or significantly buff his multipliers if they want to keep it cuz we can't control who will he be hitting. Remember THERTA can dish out impressive single target dmg while hitting all 5 enemies without any constraint). I won't buy the "get his E2 and you will get an erudition char" statement, sorry. THERTA can do exactly the same at E0, how is that fair lol.
  2. His dmg multipliers are two steps behind 3.0 dps because of his immense survivability. However, at E0 he still cannot bring three supports and discard a healer all the time so I am not sure if it is worth it. If we have pvp content, then his survivability will be very broken but HSR is all about pve as of now. So when we face enemies that dish out constant aoe attacks or crowd control, his teammates will still die or get cc.
  3. One minor (or actually not) issue is, his absolute taunt will only work 2 turns after his ult (correct me if I am wrong). So the biggest issue is that, if his ult is not ready when it is the enemies' next wave, the enemies will attack other teammates instead and this will affect his dmg output to various degrees
  4. His teammates are not optimal (this one is not really related to his beta anymore).

Open to discussions and I love Mydei and other husbandos. Hopefully he will receive buffs/reworks as he deserve