Well, I’m no expert, but I don’t think this is supposed to happen…

Grabbed some new clothes from the shop at the day of memories, proceeded to have my clothes break and start displaying random ones; went to bed, still broken the next day. Went back to the title screen and loaded back in; became floating hair instead (which is what’s in the video). And this is after the game crashed twice during the day of memories. I didn’t have any of these issues on my first playthrough! (Playing on switch)

Upon further messing around, it seems to have something to do with what looks like new seasonal clothes? I don’t remember seeing them last playthrough; but whenever I put them on my cosmetic layer, I get what I described above. This persists after restarting the game from the switch Home Screen. As soon as I remove them, everything returns to normal. It looks like these clothes are just broken? I can provide additional video if that would be helpful!