husband threatened divorce over talking about having a second child, what do i do?

Assalam Walaikum;

please no rude comments. my husband threatened to divorce me if i bring up having a second child. i wanted clarification as to why he wants to wait and he keeps saying im rushing which i don’t think i am. my son is 2.5 years old but not potty trained, many toddlers his age are not. i said to my husband that we can atleast try then by the time the second baby comes he will be potty trained. my husband wants our son to be potty trained before we even think about it. he also said he needs to be more independent and going to school. he comes up with excuses imo everytime. my son is in preschool now. just not potty trained. he is independent, eats and does activities on his own. the threat of divorce hurt a nerve in my heart that now i don’t want to have anymore children with him anymore even though it pains me.

please give me advice on how to move forward

JazakAllah khair