F(30) I have been asked to consider reverting in order to marry

Greetings all - This is a long read and I’d appreciate no judgement here as it’s taken me a lot to post this!

I am F(30) raised as a Christian and have been in a relationship with a Muslim man for slightly over a year and we are really in love and if I’m honest something I haven’t seen on here when looking for advice is that we have a shared culture. The country we are from is 60/40 christian/muslim. Which is what brings us very close. He has even helped me learn our language more than ever. His faith explains his amazing character and he is a very respectful and loving person.

I did not grow up around any Muslims but since meeting him, I have learnt so much about Islam and, a lot of misunderstandings I had before (especially as a woman) have now been ‘debunked’ which I am grateful for. Seeing that he has even inspired me to look towards my own faith and pray more, which he has praised me for.

We have been discussing marriage more recently. For a while my knowledge was that a Christian woman can marry a Muslim man as Christianity is one of the abrahamic religions. However I am aware that we couldn’t marry in a church, nor have a nikkah, so what does that really mean? Only a legal marriage?

He has made it clear that if we had kids then they would be Muslim - which I do understand. It did make me wonder where that leaves me though, as in recent conversations, he has mentioned the idea that I should take the time to really learn Islam and consider reverting. I had always told him that I would do it on my own accord. No one elses, but it feels so sudden - due to not having a full understanding, we have reached a crossroad where we either walk together or go separately.

I honestly feel confused and alot of pressure all of a sudden, because I do think about my age and wanting to start a family soon, and he has amazing qualities as a potential husband with great family values. But in reality its like its all on me, and its alot to bear.

Please understand that my intention here is to hear other people’s experiences and learn. I am interested in learning more about Islam, so any resources you could recommend I’d appreciate. Thank you in advance!