FYI - weight loss surgery appears to affect the course of MS progression

I'm a gastric sleeve patient - had the surgery in 2011. My first MS symptoms were in 2015 after MANY nutritional deficiencies despite supplementing and being monitored closely. I had my first flare in 2016 with just one lesion but they did not start me on meds until 2024 when I had my second flare and several more lesions. I brought this up with my neuro but she had not heard of WLS possibly being a trigger for MS. I had Mono (Epstein Barr) in high school and have been very overweight since college which are also risk factors. Just posting to possibly help someone else as the nutritional deficiencies can be difficult to manage as well as the chronic acid reflux. There are much better options out there now to lose weight now and particularly if you have MS, you may want to rethink WLS. Ask a ton of questions.