Jimmy is kinda stupid.

i don't believe Jimmy was this conniving evil mastermind. i think he was simply self centered and uninterested in everyone else's feelings or thoughts. he probably genuinely thought he was often right, and that everyone misunderstood him.

he kept the fact that he crashed the Tulpar from everyone not cause he had some master plan (he obviously never did, see: Daisuke's death) but cause he never wanted to face the consequences of his actions.

when it came to Anya's rape, he never acknowledged it. in his own head or out loud. ever. he knew it wasn't a good thing to do. he knew he voilated Anya, but wasn't sorry about it. he would have been reveling in the power he had over Anya rather than painting her as a baby threat with a vagina. till the very end he never acknowledged any of the shit with her. her death, her rape, her pregnancy, all of which were his fault, he acknowledged none of it. he is selfish dialed to 11. hes not smart. hes not manipulative. hes just selfish. hes selfish and stupid.

thats what makes him so real. i remember when i was like that. fortunately i never even thought to go so far as to rape anyone. i'm much smarter than Jimmy in that respect. (which isn't very hard to do) but i do remember being very selfish. i was like 14 so i had an excuse.

Jimmy is not supposed to be celebrated as this master manipulater. hes just an average very selfish, very narcissistic man.