i can’t stop spending
20F. i work part time at a fast food place, as well as running my own small business part time. i make about 1.5k a month give or take, but whenever i get paid, i seem to spend it all. my biggest expense is my internet bill, which is less than $100 monthly. my husband is in the army, so no rent or utilities. my car is paid off as well. what i’m basically saying is that my monthly expenses are essentially none. i have tried so many ways to save, from cash envelopes, moving money to a separate bank account with a different bank, even leaving my cards at home or with my husband, but somehow, i always spend my money. (ex. i leave my cards with my husband, but realize i need gas. i get my cards back, but then i genuinely forget to give them back to him, therefore having access to my money and spending it.) gratefully, i don’t max out my credit card and pay it off each month, but even then, i just spend my money on food (and gas, etc.). i want to start saving, and at this point i genuinely don’t know what to do. i’ve thought about getting a CD so that money is literally locked up, but on the other hand, im afraid of not having money in case of an actual emergency. i’m tired of living in the cycle of having $600 in my account and then spending it all in two weeks and repeating.