They should revamp this hero
She is still very annoying even with her nerfs, she dominates early game and kills tanks easily without suffering. I know some will say she’s easily countered with assassins, bro it’s a 5v5 game, if she has good teammates and know how to protect her then there is no chance you can kill her with ease, you must spend all of your utilities before even trying to kill her. My idea of revamping her are:
- Have her spend energy instead of mana, with the way she’s designed and with her kit rn it’s almost energy base. -Make her stack so she can clear lanes easily at late game but not at early, the way Granger stacks would be the best way to revamp her. -For her passive we go with stack, then every time she kills a minion she regenerates energy and gets a stacks so whenever she hits an enemy hero she doesn’t use her first skill unlimited. Also she regens per kill not in an insane amount.
She is still very annoying even with her nerfs, she dominates early game and kills tanks easily without suffering. I know some will say she’s easily countered with assassins, bro it’s a 5v5 game, if she has good teammates and know how to protect her then there is no chance you can kill her with ease, you must spend all of your utilities before even trying to kill her. My idea of revamping her are:
- Have her spend energy instead of mana, with the way she’s designed and with her kit rn it’s almost energy base. -Make her stack so she can clear lanes easily at late game but not at early, the way Granger stacks would be the best way to revamp her. -For her passive we go with stack, then every time she kills a minion she regenerates energy and gets a stacks so whenever she hits an enemy hero she doesn’t use her first skill unlimited. Also she regens per kill not in an insane amount.