Nausea and liver problems + removal
On Friday 4/12, I (23F) started feeling nauseous and dizzy. I fell asleep thinking I would feel normal in the morning. I did not. The nausea continued.
Over the next week, I felt up and down. I had more bowel movements than normal, barely ate, struggled to go on walks, had occasional heart palpitations, and felt like I couldn’t leave my house. On Thursday 4/18, I went to urgent care. They saw my heart rate was low and sent me to the ER. The ER took my blood, did an EKG, and took an xray of my chest. They found elevated levels of bilirubin but nothing else was wrong.
On Saturday 4/20, I felt like it was harder to breathe and was more nauseous. I was out of breath going short distances. I went back to the ER where they took more labs. The ultrasound of my abdominal organs was all normal.
I went and saw my primary care doctor on Monday. She listened to my symptoms and looked at my labs. She instantly said to get my IUD removed and that it was likely the cause of the problems. I had it in for 1.5 years with not many issues. That night, I could barely sit up and all I wanted to do was sleep the pain away.
I went to my gynecologist on Tuesday and she assured me the IUD was not the issue and that the hormones didn’t move outside the uterus. I told her I still wanted it out.
The extreme nausea I was feeling is now gone, but I am struggling to distinguish removal side effects from sickness. I have periods where my heart rate is higher, my body aches and I feel tingling and dizzy. Then I feel totally normal. I haven’t been in the mood for food much today and am struggling to focus on anything but how I’m feeling. I think my anxiety is causing me to freak out about every little thing going on in my body. My gynecologist assures me it isn’t from the IUD removal. Is what I am feeling normal?