My Headcanon of Minecraft Lore - Groundwork.
Hi Folks, so I'm in the mist of laying the groundwork to write my headcanon of Minecraft but I'm not sure of the Title/Names that I'm planning on using fits it. Please give feedback on them if they make sense or could use a bit more work.
~~~~~ Maker - The Maker is believed to be the Deity of the Minecraft World. It was through the Maker that the void was turn into the building blocks of the World.
Crafters - The Crafters is believed to be the Helpers of the Maker before the Maker left the World. Any more information about them are unknown.
Builders - The Builders are Beings that had left their mark not only in the Overworld, the Nether, & the End, but also through their descendants, which are the Villagers & their Offshoot. (I have some ideas on who Steve, Alex & the other Pre Make Skins are, & how they are related to both the Builders & the New Builders)
Explorers - The Explorers were a group of Builders that had this fire in their eyes to travel across the world. It was through them that the remains of the Builders can be seen across the world, even in places that were lost & forgotten.
Pioneers - The Pioneers were a group of Builders that had this fire in their mind to understand the World. It was through them that the understanding of Redstones Engineering, Potions Making, Enchantments Understanding, & Portal Making was made known before its knowledge was lost.
Settlers - The Settlers were a group of Builders that had this fire in their soul to maintain the beauty of the world. It is through them that the Villager and their Offshoot are the descendants of. It is currently unknown if they are truly descendants of the Builders that just so happen to broken off long ago or are a different group that were influenced by the Builders.
New Builders - (No information on the New Builders at the current moment.) ~~~~~