Sertraline and Sleep? :(

I started Sertraline over a week ago, started at 25mg and had minimal side effects, but went up to 50mg 4 days ago and side effects hit my like a brick on day one. The random anxiety is getting better, at around 2pm every day I suddenly get really restless and struggle to sit still etc. That's fine, can deal with that.

BUT I haven't been able to sleep at all. I am exhausted, I can get my body to the point where it feels relaxed, brain shut down, ready to sleep but I just can't actually go to sleep. If I do happen to fall asleep it lasts for maybe an hour and then I am awake again.
Now being 4 days of no sleep it's starting to effect me pretty bad. I am exhausted, nearly falling asleep sitting but unable to, my eyes are blurry, my memory is bad, really slow at doing things, headaches and starting to get a migraine. I am not safe to drive which is a problem.

I specifically told my doc I didn't want anything that could keep me awake at night. I am prone to insomnia and have had meds in the past that kept me awake, it was hell and puts me into a really dark place. I was already suffering from sleep issues before these meds and now it's worse.

I guess I need someone to tell me this will improve? Any suggestions on how I can improve my sleep?
Am already doing the hole; no screens, chill before bed, no caffeine, wind down...Am trying meditation music to get to sleep, which seems to somewhat help. Anything else that helps?

Week after next I need to go back to work, to get to work I need to be able to drive, if I don't sleep I can't drive.