How to meal prep broccoli that will be frozen?

Does anyone have any simple recipes to meal prep broccoli that will be frozen and edible after microwaving?

I meal prep some proteins and carbs by cooking both first and then sticking them in the freezer so that I can eat them over the course of a few weeks. I want to add broccoli to the mix, but I am not sure what the best way to meal prep broccoli with this.

When I tried this before, the broccoli was a very undesirable texture; mushy inside, tough exterior. The ideal texture would have a light crisp to it.


  1. Broccoli will be frozen

  2. Broccoli will be microwaved from frozen with a protein and a carb (currently for around 3 mins, but open to modifying this)

  3. Texture should be palatable (not mushy)