For those who know and PLAYED THE GAME, what's everyones thoughts on this character and their story?
I'm not going to name the character or game, if you know, you know, and if you know you REALLY know who this is and their story in the game.
It's very rare that i will cry/start to well up in videogames, often the character is stupid, forced or undeserved, that or it's rushed as heck to make you feel sympathy.
This character, i'd ague is the second "senator Armstrong" In games, they pop up and progress the story early on, but it's only in the last 30/60 minutes they go from "yeah, they are pretty good" to "f**k, that was awesome!"
Given how a certain event is happening tomorrow, with another character in the game and they are..kinda in the same boat, what's everyone thoughts on the character above?
For me, i'd say it's one of the best quests/written moments in the game, for the past 3 months you are under the impression that she is a snooty egotistical brat who has let the fame of godhood go to her head, thirsty for trails and more trials to satiate her addiction to drama and theatre, a "god" who act more like a spoilt girl who wont take no for an answer, talks a big game but never can back it up and is leading her country to elimination.
Then...the final quest happens and we suspect her of lying all this time, feigning the title of "god" and plan to put the "god" on trial. and we succeed, and all the info we had/discovered over the past 3 months comes back up and is used to show her lying, more and more the truth comes out and she becomes more and more desperate for people to believe and trust her, and we think its all her ego and not wanting to be exposed as a false god and liar.
The Judgement comes through and she is to be executed, to the shock of everyone, and just when the judgment is going to happen we see...the truth...
I'm not going to spoil the truth as it's one of those things where you are rewarded for paying attention all those time, but f**k it got me going, it has one line, one single line that broke me and made me go "Jesus f**k!"
So, I'm interested, for those who PLAYED THE GAME, what's your thoughts on this character, their story the scriptwork voice acting and their character arc?