Accusations and lunch

My (32F) child’s father (32M) and I have been broken up for over a year now. I found out recently he cheated on me with his first baby mama (they’re still together he also cheated on her with me when I didn’t know) while I was pregnant with his third baby. In a nut shell he kicked our daughter and I out while I was pregnant, I filed a police report against him for trying to 💀 me in front of our daughter and now we’ve settled on custody. Him and I have known each other for 20 years and we were each other’s first love so this all came out of left field for me, I never thought he was this kind of person but w/e we’ve moved on.

Coparenting is rocky. He constantly accuses me of alienating our daughter even though I’ve raised her by myself since she was born. He dropped me at my parent’s house straight from the hospital and left me to do the upbringing. I did a great job because our kid is kickass. We were still together because I didn’t want her alone with him due to the abuse, but once he kicked us out all bets were off and I needed to protect her. He has bipolar disorder and was a former drug addict so he’s very unstable but plays charming well.

Now he constantly accuses me of random things like bringing strange men around her (I work and hang with her, dating isn’t on my radar), using her to get back at him, claiming I make him out to be the bad guy. Then once he’s done with all of that he’ll find an excuse to bring me dinner or lunch… WHY? What is the purpose? I don’t understand the point of accusing me of being this horrible human only to turn around and buy me food.