Y'all are missing the point of Momir

"There's no strategy"

"You can't control what you get"

"It all depends on luck"

Yes, that's the whole point of the format!

Momir is literally Random Bullshit Go the Format. The fun lies in the fact that you DON'T strategize in advance. You throw a dice and make do with whatever the game gives you. And it's hilarious.

The fun fades away as soon as you begin to think like a spike and try to plan how to win. It punishes that mindset because you literally can't get spikey. So of course you aren't gonna have fun if all you care about is winning.

But if you have the mindset of a filthy casual, Momir is arguably the only format (besides commander) that's fun even when you are losing. You aren't dying on turn 3 to the same mono red bullshit. You aren't getting 1-2-3 punched the millionth time by Siren-Mastermind-Kaito. You are dying to a random Timmy monster that you've never seen before that they literally pulled out of their ass. And again, that's hilarious.

Not even to mention when YOU do it, or when you BOTH do it multiple times throughout a single game. You literally go from "IM THE FUCKING SHIT" to "OH SHIT" within seconds and its exciting as hell.

And it's okay if you can't wrap your head around it or "get" what's fun about it. It's a temporary event that only lasts for 2 days. You don't have to play it.