Will Wolverine and the Guardians be in Avengers Doomsday?

Some time ago, the main cast of Doomsday was revealed with RDJ, Evans, Holland, Fantastic Four etc. being the main leads along with Mackie, Atwell, and Olsen returning as well. Though there were no mention of the more mainstay guys, we can assume that Chris Hemsworth, Ruffalo, Renner, Hiddleston along with Ryan Reynolds would also reprise their roles. Basically anyone fron the current MCU roster can appear.

However, the case with Wolverine and the Guardians of the Galaxy seems a bit sticky. The Guardians have more or less completed their story with their trilogy finished and it remains unclear what the future holds for Jackman's Wolverine, with their being no confirmation as when the character would reappear. So do you think we can see either of them in Doomsday?

If so, what are the chances?