Galantamine is no joke

I had a few short, shitty LDs after 9 months of diligent practice; detailed dream journaling whenever I had a dream, frequent reality checks (which so far in dreams have passed, meaning they worked as they would in real life), as much ADA as I can and even meditation, some basic supplementation like vitamins. Healthy sleep schedule. WBTB every night (due to natural awakenings).

Finally got my hands on some galantamine and I gotta say, that shit is just bananas. I have had vivid dreams quite like this, but they were random and I suppose just the culmination of "just right" dietary and sleep conditions that I was not actively taking part in. But this was so goddamn real. I may as well have been in another dimension.

I was climbing up this little forest trail and I mean, I felt the wind, I felt the dirt crumbling beneath my hands (I was on all fours for whatever reason), the cold soil staining it, the clothes on my body, every leaf crunching, birdsong, I even got out of breath as I went up. And I thought "I'll be at the top soon" and I was. There was this totally serene and beautiful sunrise over these mountain tops and this little city below, with dozens of people from my life all walking around unaware of one another. I could see IN to their homes, not in a pervy way I could just observe their life in detail. One guy was making coffee, one guy was taking out the trash, two girls were walking their dogs. All so close together. It was like I was able to see everything. It was like my entire reality was MC Escher works except I could sort of control it.

But here's the kicker, I wasn't even that aware. Flying is great but it wasn't my primary goal. And believe me it was very peaceful and fun. And neat to look into the world like that. Then I had some inception type dreams where I woke up in another place and had to explain to the dream characters what I was doing. I wasn't lucid for that at all but it was just as realistic if not a bit more phantasmagoric.


Anyways, I am not suggesting you try this because I am not a doctor and I don't want you to get sick. From my layman entry level research I am pretty sure I fried my cholinergic receptors due to years of weed and nicotine abuse, which is primarily why I looked into these. Just my report. Don't take drugs without knowing the risks involved.