Virginia is actually well-spoken
She dumbed herself down to stoop to Devin’s low verbal capacity. Her after-altar interview was mind-blowing.
This entire season I was waiting for her and Devin to show personalities. Watching them interact was mind-numbing. It was like watching Sims. They were NPCs.
No, Devin is an NPC and Virginia is intelligent. She perceived how Devin reacted in the pods to her dance career (interest!) and her doctorate (low interest). It is incredibly common for intelligent women to dumb themselves down to be more attractive to men.
The head tilt and baby voice thing was weird the whole season. It was contrived. Men like Devin (traditional conservative) would perhaps not be attracted to a career woman. Virginia sensed that and slowed her voice down and tilted her head. Throw some theoretical babies in the mix, my man is hooked.
I mean my golly. “I love basketball. And I love you.” I think this is as complex as this man gets. He tried, and I respect him for trying. The gift was creative. But the emotional depth was lacking.
Virginia was playing chess and Devin was playing tic tac toe.
I hope they both find OTHER people who match them better.