Why do conservative men even want to date/marry liberal women?
I don't mean in the show, obviously there's an incentive to work out to gain fame and more followers whatever. But in these comments so many people are talking about in real life conservative men lying to get dates with liberal women, and I've heard it from my own liberal female friends on dating apps. But like why? Conservative women exist, 45% of women in 2024 voted for Trump, and for white conservative men dating within their race, the majority of white women voted for Trump. And if you're really conservative, wouldn't being in a relationship or marriage with a liberal be terrible? Like I'm no conservative I always vote blue, but I'm a bit more moderate and tend to vote for moderate liberals in primaries. I don't think I'd be able to date a woman who was full on "burn the system down, dismantle capitalism, we need more Luigi's", that would just be exhausting and a huge difference of values that I wouldn't be able to get past, because I generally believe in free markets, that tearing the system down would make things far worse than the status quo, and that murdering someone, even if they run a company in a way that's bad and does harm to people, is wrong. And I'd be worried that if we had children together, she'd try to teach our children values such as that murder is ok if they're in certain groups, and I would not be ok with that.
How is someone who's straight up conservative, probably opposes gay marriage, definitely opposes basic trans rights, thinks taxation is theft, whatever other conservative beliefs want to be with someone liberal? Like if a conservative woman married me as a moderate liberal guy, obviously I'd be miserable but I feel like they would be too. They'd talk about how great Trump is and cutting all the fat out of government and how he's saving the country and I'd be like well he's an incompetent idiot felon who doesn't care about the Constitution or any other institution in this country if it gets in his way and is cutting vital components of the federal government while proposing tax cuts that dwarf any savings he's getting. And that wouldn't end in a respectful conversation lol. We'd just be constantly walking on eggshells around each other trying to not discuss politics or constantly arguing about politics all the time. And then if we had children? Extra yikes.
Like you don't have to agree on 100% of things, but I do believe having similar values is important, which is why my wife and I talked about everything including religion, politics, the meaning of life, all of it, before getting married. And I wanted to talk about it as early as possible and be as honest as possible as well because I didn't want to waste my time if we had values differences big enough to be an issue. So why are conservative men lying or hiding their political beliefs to try to get with liberal women rather than simply dating conservative women? It just honestly makes no sense to me. Are they going to continue to lie/hide their views for the rest of their lives? That sounds exhausting and awful. Or are they going to eventually reveal their true views, which will make their marriage a disaster and probably lead to a ton of fighting and feeling like you can't talk about serious topics with your spouse, which is terrible for a marriage and would probably lead to divorce? Like my wife and I talk about politics and current events all the time, are there married couples that just don't? Even if they don't, political views are generally a reflection of core values, so do they also just not talk about their core values with each other either?