[Discussion/Question] Launcher for pirate games, Dark Cartridges

Hello everyone, I am a mobile and desktop developer. I have an idea for a project that will help beginners and Linux users to easily launch pirated games (mainly online-fix). The problem is that bottles and similar applications do not support online-fix games (if this is the case, please let us know in the comments), and the only way to run online-fixed games is through Steam, and there also seems to be a program called Hydra Launcher, but it doesn't seem to work very well. The application is clearly designed for Windows and not for online-fixed gaming.I created a great guide for the launch of Online Fix. It took 2nd place over the past year in the LinuxCrackSupport subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxCrackSupport/). This, I think, shows that people need it. I also think it would be cool to create an application that would run Online-Fix games out of the box (at least most of them).

For the application, I used Cartridges as a basis. I already talked about the methods in my post, but the problem is that you have to write huge commands. This is clearly not a ready-made solution. But the app is great and I decided to make a fork for pirated games. I called it DarkCartridges. The link to GitHub is https://github.com/badkiko/dark-cartridges

I am writing this post to ask the community whether this is necessary or if everyone is happy with Steam and continuous file replacements if something doesn't work. I would also like to know if you have any ideas for features in the application you would like to see. I want the app to be as convenient as possible for new Linux users. One of my ideas:

  • Auto-installing dependencies for games (you can create a library of games and dependencies and do the auto-install on the prefix)
  • Easily launching Online Fix like in Windows without having to register anything on the client side
  • Creating desktop shortcuts (for some reason, the team didn't think of this)
  • Automatically opening Steam if it's closed for online-fix games- Automatic installation without a launcher. Just choose the exe installer, and the application will install everything in the background (not sure if it's possible or not, but as an idea, it's great)
  • Integration with ProtonDB.

The main purpose of this post is to find out if users need such an app at all. I would appreciate any feedback. (◕_◕)